EnergyTec were invited by PAPL to participate in the tender for the estate’s Energy Meter Reading in November 2018. As the successful proponents, EnergyTec commenced services on-site with an initial Meter Network Audit. The audit concluded that additional meters outside the original scope of works were required to be read and reported on for proper cost recovery.
With contract negotiation underway, the Scope of Works was significantly updated for transparency and the mutual benefit of the customer and EnergyTec. These new engagement clarifications meant that EnergyTec are to manually read and report on all Landside and Airside Meters (International and Domestic Terminals).
On a monthly basis, across two days, EnergyTec’s Senior Field Services Officers attend site to read all energy meters. Additional resources, insurances and induction passes have been obtained to comply with PAPL OSH regulations.
Along with receiving Reconciliation Reports, Utility Statements, Year to Date, annual Tariff Review and annual Profit Forecast reports, EnergyTec have assisted PAPL by developing customised reports for internal reporting purposes.
With meter numbers continuing to rise, EnergyTec are guiding Perth Airport through their Energy Roadmap, progressively migrating the estate to an Automated Meter Reading (AMR) system and Renewable Energy resourcing as they expand the airport and second runway.
Site NamePerth AirportLocationPerth Airport, WAUtility TypeElectricityClientPerth Airport Pty Ltd (PAPL)TaskMeter Reading and BillingCommencement2019