Our Services
EnergyTec currently service thousands of properties nationwide
End-to-end Energy Roadmap
Across the last two years we have deployed over 6 Megawatts (MW) of Solar and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) into the embedded networks of more than 20 commercial assets in Western Australia and the Eastern States.
Sub-meter reading of all utility types. Electricity, Gas, Water, After Hours, Air-conditioning and Solar/Renewables sub-meters.
Energy procurement. EnergyTec can obtain competitive quotes for the supply of energy on your behalf.
Our presence and reputation in the market gives us strong retail buying power.
Utility account revenue recovery. Sub-meter reading reconciliation and reporting, individual sub-meter utility statement generation.
Future-proof your asset. Embedded Network Conversions, Solar PV, Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging, Battery Energy Storage (BESS).
Benefits of combining services
Our highly specialised energy accounting role within the property industry allows us visibility of both the buy and sell prices of energy and water within the commercial property and strata market.
We can now share our market advantage through our services offering. This enables our clients to leverage and benefit from our market position to secure the best deal, ethically and completely within the regulated framework. The energy market is complicated, our bundles will simplify your job and deliver the best outcome from end to end.
It makes sense to bundle our core services of sub-meter reading and billing and technical services, because each function is so intrinsically connected.